AHEPA Chapter 131 - Joilet
Chapter Officers
Chapter President
George Kontas
Vice President
Pete Paros
Mike Cookas
Asst. Secratary
John Z. Honiotes
Al Skiniotes
About Chapter 131
Chapter photo of founding members - 1927
Chapter 131 was founded in Joliet, IL. on January 26, 1927. There were 35 charter members by March 14, 1927. All were immigrants from Greece, their professions ranged from business owners to store clerks. All joined to protect themselves from the bigotry and racism they faced and experienced. Along with getting assistance to assimilate to their new home in the United States.
Chapter 131 proudly continues to be a strong presence in Joliet and the Greek community. We focus to help the community through donations to the needed, scholarship programs, and many more. We are nearing the 100 anniversary of our Chapter. We also partner with Daughters of Penelope Joliet Chapter 187. If you wish to attend an event hosted by AHEPA or DOP Joliet chapters or wish to join our wonderful organizations, please contact us.
Our chapter proudly provides our own scholarship program separately from District 13 and National programs. We also promote a Scholarship program from Joliet Junior College. We honor the hard working students in our community. We award our scholarships on National AHEPA Day at All Saints Greek Church. Visit the Scholarships tab on the main menu to view all scholarships available within District 13.
Chapter Events
Annual Pancake Breakfast
All Saints Greek Orthodox church
Annual Hellenic Museum Trip
Chicago, IL
Annual Superbowl Party
Town and Country Lanes, Joliet, IL.